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house and the one-room Mullen school in in the foreground. My mom attended school here.
Hutson farm. House burned in the 1980s. Connelly School in the foreground is also gone.
School. It housed 1-8 grades and was closed in 1963 when Oakland consolidated with
school as tents are set up for the annual cornbread and bean festival. The school
subdivision was built in the lot behind the IGA where the grade school was located.
Washington. Pepsi Plant is in the lower corner
Columbian? school where Cunningham park is now
school. This was Washington Elementary School. Been torn down.
Gills diner on upper right chief
school converted to a residence on the Westfield blacktop east of the Hutton road on the south
teacher at Ashmore Grade school, Ashmore Illinois. Barn is over-grown and in disrepair in 2016.