Photo 44-IFA-28


Jay's Motel in the lower left.

Mobil oil station center

Located in the southwest corner of North Eighth Street and U. S. Route 40 is this Mobil station. Vandalia,
Illinois. View looks west. A McDonald's now sits behind, to the west, of this station. The lot where the station sits is vacant. The sign poles for the large Mobil sign remain.

1595 N 8th St, Vandalia, IL 62471

At the lower portion of the photo, just left of center, there is business with a roof-mounted sign advertising a cafeteria. It appear the name reads: "BREARY'S", but I cannot clearly read it since the letters are seen in reverse. It appears the cafeteria restaurant was demolished sometime prior to 1998. Jay's Motel and Restaurant were demolished sometime between 2009 & 2011. As a side note, the pavement in the foreground was the old alignment of US 51. One can tell how busy this interchange with US 40/IL 185 once was, as the road side signage is abundant.

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