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gone another shed was put up . Mom an Dad have passed away Dad in 1996 and Mom in 2006 .Ackerman
gone and there is no garage in front on the side that my dad had put in. The little
trailer is gone now I believe. Newer modular now. Approx. 3836 Worth Rd, Pinconning, MI 48650
gone. The trees in front of the house are huge compared to these. There is a house
gone, as construction on the house is complete. The huge tree blocking view of the house
after we moved (two owners later). Behind that large tree (now gone) is the actual house.
moved in and are not overgrown with trees and brush. The small out-buildings are also gone.
gone. It now has a corn stove, kitchen and living room remodel. Many trees removed
pole barn building and the curve is gone and its a regular cross road intersection.