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I grew up in this home! I was 9 when this photo was taken. My parents still live there. Not a lot has changed besides it's a different color now (which doesn't show up in this photo). Trees and landscaping is different now. Also, there's a porch on the front of the house now that goes all the way across to the far right of the house. On a warm summer night my parents will be found sitting out there enjoying the fresh, country air. The wood planks you see in the back we used for building forts. I can see my mom has sheets on the clothes line out back :) My dad was meticulous with his lawn and it's funny that you can see his lawn mower lines. So many memories here. I loved growing up out in the country. I think that's me and my brother with some friends playing basketball in the can see the basketball hoop on the side of the house above the garage. My kids now have many memories here with grandpa and grandma. I love this house! Thanks for sharing!