Photo 1-CAL-6 from 1999


Maddox Foundry and Machine Works, in the heart of downtown Archer, FL. The Whistle blew every morning at 7:30am sharp, noon, noon-thirty and 4:00pm. Thursday was pour day. The big double doors on the back of the foundry would be opened wide, and you'd see the crucible pouring the molten iron into the molds, sparks and fire flying. The old Baldwin locomotive sat proudly out front near the office. The Grand Dame, Martie Marchant ran this 115 year old enterprise, handed down through the family.. With her passing, it rarely produces anything. Maybe a car or two in the parking lot, where there used to be fifty or more. An impressive old-school steel foundry, with its machine hall lined with larger-than-life Bucyrus Erie shears and brakes and lathes that came from the last century, but still work flawlessly. Hopes for this cooler than cool place to be adopted by someone with some vision and ambition to bring it back to full productivity.. A million things this plant could be producing that are currently coming from China.

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