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This is the farm where I was raised, at RR #3 Box 115, Winfield, KS. At the date of this photo, in 1978, I would have been 7 years old. My parents bought the farm in 1971 when I was a baby. I can see the old red barn that then was already leaning and had seen better days. It was later torn down to make way for more grain bins. I can see my grandpas dozer sitting waiting for his next project. Dad’s white Ford pickup was replaced in 1979 with a new Blue and Silver F150. The Allis Chalmers 200 tractor was later joined by a 7060 and those have seen many miles and have been replaced by more modern equipment many times over. The swing set where I played is in the yard and the little garage had a basketball goal where I spent hours shooting hoops. This was fun to see how much has changed and yet so much is still the same. My parents still reside here and enjoy retirement while the next generation has taken over the day to day of farming.