Photo 21-MMN-27 from 1980


This is our house! We bought it in the fall of 2016 and have named it Blackwood Manor. The property is smaller now than shown here. The boundary line lies just past the driveway where a row of evergreen trees has been planted from the road to the back of the property. The two buildings just to the right of the house in the photo are original to the property and are still standing and in good shape. One is a summer kitchen with a loft and the other was possibly used for cold food storage. The garage has been replaced, the large grain bin is still standing, and the chicken coop on the right side of it is also still standing, although it has extensive damage and we plan to tear it down. An orchard has been planted in southwest corner of the property (right portion of the photo) and 7 shade trees have been planted along the driveway and to the west of the house. To think this house dates back to the mid- to late 1800s (we're not sure of the exact date), it is still in amazing condition. Many loving hands have worked over the years to keep its original beauty and charm and for that we are so grateful. It is truly our dream home.

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