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We currently live in this home. The owners before us added a garage and there is an outdoor shed now near the cluster of trees in the foreground, middle of this photo. The barn is long gone and we've put a garden up in that spot. The driveway enters from another location entirely now. (The other side of the street) and does not continue back to where the barn is in this photo. The door and first window to the right have been boarded up to accomodate a new roof put on by, again, the owners before us. We've found out that the limestone section of this home (the one story section) was built in the 1960s and the brick portion was built in 1870 by a man named Lawson Olifant, who is buried in a small graveyard just across the highway from the home. There is also a porch that wraps around the entire older section of the home. We've let a section of the yard go just to the right of the barn and have planted around 20-25 trees in that spot. A lot has changed!