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This I NOT Tipton County Indiana in 1973. Heck even today we don't have any houses that big. Lol
This is the Tipton Co. Home. It has since been torn down and Autumn wood has been built in its place.
The Tipton County home was still there when I was growing up in the 80's... we drove past it next to the 4-H grounds every day.
My Grandfather lived at Tipton's "County Home". I remember it fondly going to visit him as a young girl. I wish it was still there.
My Great Grandmothers sister and brother in law was running the Yipton Conty Home in1973, olive and Lester Dodd, then around December of 1977, I started working there for Kenneth and Virginia Enright, inworked there for 20 years and then a few years after that they tore it down, was such a shame, It was such a beautiful building and could have been a safe haven for our homeless that need shelter 😞