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This farm has been completely razed.
Originally, there were two adjacent homesteads here. The one to the left (south side of drive) was Hans Johnson (ca. 1878), and the one to the right was Olaus/Louis Hanson (one of Rev. Hans Gaard's sons) from 1875. By 1899, both homesteads were owned by A.U. Jorgenson, who combined them into one farm and still farmed here in 1931. Raymond Mullins farmed here for many years after that; he owned it before 1950 and was still there in 1966. By 1976 the farm was owned by Stan Bumstad (who lived at the old Artichoke Store), but this farm site was vacant, and remained abandoned until it was razed in the 90's.
This was my Great Grandparents Farm or Bestamar & Bestafar in Norwegian. It was the Jorgenson farm and my grandmother Gladys was born there. My dad, Keith used to visit every summer in the 1950s & 60s. By then his Aunt Esther & Uncle Ray owned the farm. I visited it in 1980s. The barn still stood & house. We walked around it with my grandmother and she told us stories about the farm. We wanted to buy it back into the family and restore it, but no one else was interested. Too sad. My Great Uncles were preachers at the Artichoke Baptist Church; which I believe is still standing. The family was Norwegian from Reinoy Island above Tromso. May I have permission to print out a copy of this photo to frame for my dad? Thank you.