
This Barn still stands in North Strafford on a road that loops off and back to Province Road. The house is gone, I assume burned. For a small barn it is a very neat structure.

JoAlCo Farm. Horseback riding camp. The house burned down in the 80’s. The barn is wonderful and is now connected to an indoor arena

I went to Camp Joalco a few years after this photo was taken - I think 1967 and 1968. It was incredible! We would ride in the mornings and evenings and go to the nearby lake in the afternoons.

I went to Jo-Al-Co 1969, 1970, 1971 and we went up weekends in the fall for 50 mile rides and in the winter for snowmobiling! We all loved it so much...

Sheryl, actually I think I was there in 1968 and 1969. So is the camp actually still there?

Were you a junior counselor in 1969? I was in Senior Cabin that year. Camp is no longer, Al and Co have passed but Joanne lives in So. Carolina and still has horses!

Spent several summers as a "barn boy" '62 '63 '64 and many weekend before and after Camp was in session and helped on many trail ride for about 8 or 10 years. With Rick H also Jimmy W and Russell

Sheryl, I don’t remember being a Junior Counselor even though it was after my freshman and sophomore years of high school. I don’t remember a cabin, just the main house, barn, riding ring and lake! What great memories. I wish I had the names of the women who were there then. It was only 35 girls I think.

Jane- 35 campers is about correct! The jr counselors "lived" in "Gods pocket" the only cabin with bathtub!! Only slept 4 counselors.

Just remembered another "remebery" atleast one summerJoanne slept in "GodsPocket" with Jessica Chernay and 2others before joanne "graduated" to main house top of stairs to the right front corner room

I was in tears when I received this beautiful, old picture of the riding camp that I attended with my horse during my high school years. These days at Camp Jo-Al-Co were the best days of my entire childhood. Having the picture made it seem real again. I will always treasure it.

Hi Everyone. I went to camp for 'Many Years" and know someof you commenting here. I wish I could go back in time. Jane, Sheryl and Dave. This is Deb (Warkel) Black. Still talk to Joanne . So many of the "old timers" have passed. Would love to connect with you all. Is anyone else still riding... Please say YES . Happy Trails !

Deb I remember Stan and Carole Warkle - any connection? Stan, on occasion drove the tracktor/trailer horse van!

I dated JoAnne.and visited the camp on several memorable occasions. Would love to catch up with her if anyone has her email address.

I knew the family back in 1969. Joanne taught me how to ride. Her parents Alva and Cora were wonderful people. My cousins the Unitz were friends with them. They were living in Brockton in the winter

Hi Alan! Thank you for sharing your memories with us. It's amazing how Vintage Aerial can bring us back to a different time. Do you remember anything from the area in the 1960's? Maybe any shops or buildings that are no longer there? Was the landscape any different?

Hi Alexis:
I was never at the camp. My cousin Arlene and her husband Paul Unitz were riding friends with the family. They introduced me to Joanne in the fall of 1969. Joanne taught me the basics of riding. I went on a few rides with their friends. At the time they were living in the Brockton, MA home for the winter. I guess I moved on in February of 70’

Hi Deb Black. If you can still contact Joanne. Please tell her Alan Rubin, cousin of Arlene and Paul Unitz says hi!

Hello Alan! I have LOTS of info!! I will contact you later.. ( I’m at work). Talk soon. Deb

Hi Deb:
I was riding my BMW motorcycle and ended up riding around the lake. Much to my surprise, my GPS stated that Jo Al Co road was the next right on my journey. As I rode bye there was a lot of construction vehicles there, so I kept on going. I don't believe in coincidences, but, I was intrigued as to why I found this area after 53 years. Brought back a lot of memories. I live in Nottingham, NH and travel through this area as we hike the many trails in Strafford. Looking forward to "hearing" from you

Deb Black:
You may contact me at:

I am a Hopwood. Almost everyone in my family has sweet memories of Jo-Al-Co! I live in Tega Cay, SC and ride at the Anne Springs Close Greenway. How can I find Joanne? Hi Dave and Debbie! We all grew up on the same street as Dave Hufton. Remember Flicka? She came to came with me...67/68?

I am a Hopwood. Almost everyone in my family has sweet memories of Jo-Al-Co! I live in Tega Cay, SC and ride at the Anne Springs Close Greenway. How can I find Joanne? Hi Dave and Debbie! We all grew up on the same street as Dave Hufton. Remember Flicka? She came to came with me...67/68?

Hi Sandy - I remember Flicka (a legend for sure) also Cheyanne, PolkaDots,BobbiSox,and not least,Prince Charming ! Especially Kathys hot from tne oven popovers!! I'tried to reach out to brother Rick without responce. So sad to discover Mikeys obituary. I live in Londonderry NH not far from Deb Black small worlds

Hi Dave! You can reach me at
I last saw you at Dad's funeral.....almost 40 years ago?
Losing Mikey, the 6th, first.....has been really hard for all of us.

OMG!! I always wished I had picture of the farm!! I went to camp there 1969,1970 and 1971. And also rode with them in Brockton, MA. I had the privilege of showing Southern Comfort!! And because of them and all the good basics I learned from them, I I have been running a successful barn in West Bridgewater MA for 40 years! I could write a book. And both my daughters are in business and very successful!! Look up Dorrie Douglas Equestrian. JoAnn should know she is part of what she has accomplished!! I think of them often!!!!

So glad I found this great image! It's pretty much what/how I remembered Jo Al Co from attending in 1974-75, I think. I LOVED it there! Horses, horses, horses, all day long! Mostly I remember "my" ponies Sultan and Jubilee, and my friends. Oh, and JoAnn and her Rhodesian ridgebacks, Changa and Rafiki (Fikilonis). For better or for worse I remember all the dumb songs we'd sing on the bus on our daily treks to our bathtub, Bow Lake. I have a few pics, and would love sharing memories with anyone so inclined. And, YES, I have a horse, and am still riding!

Hi Tash! We're thrilled to hear that you found a great image that brought back memories of Jo Al Co. It sounds like you had some amazing times there with the horses and your friends. Do you happen to remember anything specific about the property during that time in the 1970s? We would love to hear more about your experiences and any changes you may have noticed since the photo was taken in 1963.

Sandra Hopwood, OMG I remember you so well. We all need to keep in touch but find it so hard as I am still working. I do remember Flicka and Michaels pony Yogi too! Talk soon. My email is but I do not check it as often as I should. :)

i spent a very happy summer here, probably in 1961?
still have photos of me on Bobbisox—what a great pony!
Lisa (NY City?) was my best friend and later as a freshman at Bennington, i reconnected with Andy, also a New Yorker.
who had been at camp the same year i was there.

Anne ! I rode Bobby Sox to when I went to camp and at home during the "off" months but I did not start camp until 66.
She gave me blisters on my fingers. LOL. I think I have scars.

Anne ! I rode Bobby Sox to when I went to camp and at home during the "off" months but I did not start camp until 66.
She gave me blisters on my fingers. LOL. I think I have scars.

went to the camp 1967 1968 1968. Remember as the photi shows . it was a beautiful barn. I still have horses . was a wonderful experience. In 1970 I got my first horse

Hi Joanne, Thank you for sharing your wonderful memories of the barn in the photo! It sounds like you had a fantastic experience at the camp during that time. We're curious if you remember any other notable landmarks or changes in the area back in 1967-1968. Also, with your mention of having horses, did you have a specific role in the farm? We'd love to hear more about your farming experiences in the region.

Alex, I don't have a lot more to say about your great photo of JoAlCo, above, but I have at least one pic of part of the red barn (ie, "gangplank" to the second floor), if that is of interest.
I may even have the old camp brochure which would no doubt include some photos of the property back in the day. Let me know if I should try to dredge those up for you. Tash

I went to camp there from 69, 70, 71. Those were the most wonderful years! A dream come true. My horse, Rebel, came from there and is now buried in my back pasture and I still have horses! I remember being awed reading the writing on the cabin walls and the people who had been there years earlier. Who remembers Bossman, Madison Avenue, Little Bean (pure white pony) that Leslie Beagleman used to show? The beautiful Saddlebreds were downstairs in the big barn. Rebel was in the “poor” district behind the barn - LOL.

When did Al Snow die? I just loved him growing up. He had his pugs and I adored them. I remember that we did ring work either in the morning or a trail ride in the evening. We would alternate. One time there was a horse that was being a bit unruly so Al rode that horse with us on a trail ride. What an adventure! He was my knight in shining armor! It was a controlled but wild ride that night!

Looking at the large barn from the front to its left was another barn you cannot see in the photo. also behind the large barn were more stalls. I was there 1967,68,69. I remember the schedule well, riding in the morning and evenings and the lake in the afternoon. It was a lovely place and I learned a lot.Loved the horse shows and still have my ribbons from there.

Tina, I remember you very well. I remember everyone of those horses too. I showed Beanie in the "Pet Pony" classes. Joanie Mills showed him a lot too. Joanne, I think I remember you but drawing a blank on who you rode. I was there from 66 - 74 or 5. I skipped one year b/c I was angry at Al. LOL I still speak w/ Joanne. She has moved to SC. She did not make it this past year but still show up for Deerfield. I still have my ribbons and pictures of some of the years. The barn that was built to the left of the main barn turned into a garage but now I believe is no longer there. Tina, Al passed quite a long time ago. Cora was 99 when she passed but rode almost to the very end. Stay in touch. Deb (Warkel) Black. OH. I still have my camp brochures too.

Deb, did you have a favorite horse(s)? I remember a beautiful horse called Prince that was a grade pinto but probably had some Saddlebred in him. He was a little too much for me so my parents bought Rebel instead but I sure could enjoy a Prince now. I have a lovely Standardbred now. Rebel is buried in the pasture. I also have a pasture pet, Lacey that was a rescue.

Do you know whatever happened to the Goodwins? There was Peggy and Jonathan Goodwin. There were so nice. We would pass their uncle’s place when we would do that super long trail ride to that gorgeous water fall that they called bridal lace falls or something like that.

I remember the other barn off to the left. There was a horse there that was owned be a woman that was blind. She would come up maybe once a year and ride with us. Her horse had side reins when she would ride with us on the trail.

Tina, I knew almost all the horses as I was so lucky and stayed riding all year when Cora, Al and Joanne came back home to Brockton. So, I am not sure where the Goodwins are but I go up route 28 towards the "big lake" and there is a restaurant in their town called Goodwins. I have been tempted to stop in but the timing is always off. The blind womans horse was a saddlebred and her name was Heidi and a dream. Her name is escaping me at the moment. Her husband had another saddlebred that he rode. His name was Bob. Stay in touch . I love this thread. Memory Lane for me and wish I could go back in time.

I remember in the summer of 68 or 69 taking care of a welsh pony named Skeeter. We were all assigned a horse to care for. I even drove a cart with Skeeter in a show. If I could relive a time in my life it would be my two summers at JoAlCo with my friends Genie and Charlie.

I can't resist naming the horses I remember from 1974 and '75. The ponies I took care of were Sultan and Jubilee. I rode Ringo a lot, and sometimes Treasure Chest (TC). Southern Comfort was still there, and I remember Prince, too. Other horses were: Aladdin (pretty chestnut), Archie (big pinto), Shenandoah (big white horse); the saddlebreds Donnybrook and Pea Vine's Wild Wind; and the driving ponies Dolly Dimples and her filly, Polly. I mentioned Joanne's ridgebacks above, but there were also the pugs (Eenie, Meanie and Miney), and Bonus the springer spaniel that ALWAYS wanted to play ball.

What happened to Mr Z?

I didn’t ride Mr Z, but I loved looking at him. I remember Treasure Chest and a girl named Cynthia from either the North or South Shore rode him. I have an unofficial picture of me riding Ringo! I was terribly heat sick at a horse show riding him but stuck it out somehow. What a jumping pony he was! I love naming the horses and please keep them coming. I remember Colleen Connell riding Southern Comfort for two summers in a row and winning, for the two summers, a challenge cup in a hunter/jumper class. I know Co wanted/hoping she would come back for the third season to camp and ride to but Colleen didn’t come back. She was an older girl of course so I didn’t mix much with her but looked from afar with wonder at her riding!

The Goodwins lived in Hanover, NH in a very fancy house, not far from Dartmouth College. Jonathan was a really good junior figure skater and Peggy went to Stoneleigh Burnham and brought her horse with her.

I remember Tilly the pug. Who were the Saddlebreds downstairs in the big barn? There was a big gray one who if you leaned back at all would give a little buck. And didn’t they a stallion (no one ever rode) called “Oh Glory Be?” They would let him out in the main arena in the evening sometimes for him to prance around and run. What a beautiful sight he was.

I was lucky enough to go down to Brockton during school vacations. They had A LOT of horses there! What has happened to their place/land down there?

Joanne rode Smokey. He was full of it. Bit my jacket as he tried to bite my shoulder one time. A “gentle” touch made him let go

Oh; Tina, you reminded me - there was a blanket appaloosa named "Sparky's Bearpaw." I showed him in a pleasure class and my somehow my number came off . The ring steward gave it to me, and I spent the entire ride contorting myself on Bearpaw's back trying to get that stupid number back in place! Thank God it was a pleasure class - we got third cause any horse that could quietly walk, trot and canter both directions while their young rider was totally distracted deserved it. (I remember Tilly, too)

I remember Smokey! I had forgotten him! And yes, he was quite nippy! There was a big, gray Saddlebred too. Do you remember another pinto hunter called “Wild Turkey.”

Deb, why were you mad at Al? He was so easy going it’s hard to imagine ever being mad at him! I remember him taking me to a weekly livestock auction in Brockton or the Brockton area. It seemed so special to go with him! I remember looking at a western saddle there and Al said no that it was too heavy for me and I wouldn’t even be able to pick it up. But I always fell asleep before the auction ended! I remember in 1971 they had a counselor who was an older lady LOL whose name was Kay. She was a good horsewoman and she would spend her time in Virginia fox hunting. Do you remember her at all?

LOL, I remember Kay. Kay Hunter was her name from Ohio. I went to the auctions w/ Al and my Dad. They put me on and sent the horses through and said just smile no matter what they do. I guess that is why I laugh at some of the bad actors I have had. I got my first cutback from the auction and still have it to this day. Teach the small frys on it. I got it for my 10th birthday. If that saddle could talk I would still be on punishment.

LOL, I remember Kay. Kay Hunter was her name from Ohio. I went to the auctions w/ Al and my Dad. They put me on and sent the horses through and said just smile no matter what they do. I guess that is why I laugh at some of the bad actors I have had. I got my first cutback from the auction and still have it to this day. Teach the small frys on it. I got it for my 10th birthday. If that saddle could talk I would still be on punishment.

Wow, I am so glad I came across this page! I went to this camp in the 60s can't remember the exact year. I loved Cora And Al and JoAnn. Some of the horses I remember were Diablo and Heidi, Bossman, Jet, and Southern Comfort, I can probably think of more, I rode Heidi in the competition trail ride at the end of the summer and got eliminated because Heidi developed a saddle sore. My parents wouldn't let me ride hunt seat so I had to ride saddle seat but later on in life I had my own horses, and I showed them in the hunter divisions, I want to get a horse again soon! Never too late even though I just turned 71 I remember the rides on the bus to the lake and the meals in the house and the cottages, Diablo and Heidi were in the barn to the left that you can't see, I'm going to rack my brain to remember more! Wouldn't it be great to have a reunion!

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Do you have a connection to this photograph? Maybe you grew up here or know someone who did? What has changed in the 61 years since this photo was taken? Tell us!