Photo 19-PCH-35 from 1965


Farm on White Horse Road. It was part of the Clothier Estate and is still part of the same property owned by Ed Gold.

Patchwork Farm; farmed by my grandfather, Thomas B. Alexander from the 1950s-1970s. The current address is 441 S Whitehorse Rd, Phoenixville, PA 19460

Hi Vinny, thank you for sharing the history of Patchwork Farm! It's fascinating to hear about your grandfather's connection to the land. I'm curious, could you tell us more about the farming activities he pursued? Also, we'd love to learn what changes you've noticed in the area since the photo was taken in 1965.

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Do you have a connection to this photograph? Maybe you grew up here or know someone who did? What has changed in the 60 years since this photo was taken? Tell us!