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William Jewell farm
Bill. Harley. buzz Jewell grew up here
My grandpa and grandma Jewell farm. William and Glennie Jewell. Once owned by Enoc Jewell
My Father Harley grew up here with his brothers Bil & Buxx Jewell.Parents were William Sr.and Glennie Jewell.
So many wonderful memories to cherish. Loved "helping" clean out the barn and walking down towards the creek to bring the cattle up to milk. Loved helping Grandma Glennie in the garden and making dandelion green salad. Loved watching her bake her sweet rolls and especially eating her chicken and dumplings and poppy seed pies! HATED going into the root cellar during a storm....don't like spiders and cob webs!! LOVED the bleeding heart bushes. Especially loved picking blackberries and hanging out with my cousins Larry and Jimmy Jewell.