Photo 44-OBL-4 from 1995


This is our home at 3704 S State Road 3, Hartford City, IN. This was taken in 1995, and we bought the house in 1994.

Hello Janet,
There is an oval-shaped structure behind the house. What was this used for? Do you still live here today?

To Nathan Lewis: The oval structure was in rough shape when we moved in, but there were chicken boxes in there. There are also those little doors you see on coops for chickens to go in and out, so we are of the opinion that it is a chicken coop. It is a prefab building, steel framed with corrugated galvanized steel exterior, windows on the south-facing side. We've cleaned it up and painted it with aluminum paint. We replaced the windows (they were broken out). There stencil markings inside giving the name of the purchaser (attn John C Smith, RFD 1, Hartford City) from the Dickelman Mfg Company of Forest, Ohio. Property records show the house was built in 1948, and the barn, which originally had the same corrugated siding, was built in 1958. The "poultry house" is shown on the property record, but no construction date is given. John C Smith sold the property in 1974.

Thank you, Janet, this is very interesting.

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