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K.of C. St. Agatha.
Yes, the large building in the back is the current Knights of Columbus Hall. At the time of the picture, it was a potato starch factory.
House on the left is the Dennis Ouellette family home, his son still lives there. House in front of starch factory was the Bob & Maxine Michaud home where they raised their 3 sons, Dave, Mark & Brian.
Yes, this was Dennis and Mathilda Ouellette's house on the top left. Flat roof house. They raised their 13 children in this home. I think that's my dads Ford in the driveway.
OMF> I grew up in the house right across from Bob and Maxine (in Raoul Chamberland's house) and I babysat for David, Mark and Brian. On the left right across from Den Ouellette's house lived Jos Plourde and family, Gayle Pelletier grew up in that house.
In between the Raoul Chamberland and Joe Plourde house I see our driveway situated between the 2 little garages on each side of the driveway. Also the little building in the mid left of the picture, I believe was a well house.