Photo 68-OAR-1 from 1965


Eudore Nadeau

Sylvio & Laurette Sirois Farm.. The house has been converted to apartments an d own by Paul Ringuette of Frenchville. the Garage is still standing , but has been re-modeled..

My childhood family farm, was owned by parents, Sylvio
and Laurette Sirois. New owner is Paul Ringette.

Many family members were born in that house. .this house is where my sister and I loved to go and dreamed of all year!

My father Emile Sirois was born in this house in 1924 and was raised here with 14 siblings. Our Grandfather was (Elie) Antoine Sirois. Uncle Sylvio and Aunt Laurette raised a family of 12 children in the next generation and were living there when this photo was taken.

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