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My dad and his brothers grew up in this house! My dad remembers the vehicles in the driveway and his clothes on the wire in the backyard!!
6010 is the current address. I put the location almost exactly on it.
Sadly enough almost everything has changed. The house is no longer there and the sheds are not there anymore. Me and my dad drive past it almost every day. It belonged to the Smith family in 79 hope I helped :)
I grew up in that house.
Amazing to see this. I am one of the Smith children who grew up in that house. The church and it's congregation are still there after all these years. That was one big house. It caught on fire in the 80s. I was away serving in the USAF at the time. Thanks for sharing.
The Church is the Buena Vista Methodist Church. It sits on the southwest corner of Hwy J and Old Amish Road(formerly Hwy JJ)
My family and I attended buena vista church for many years to present. That church holds much sentiment for me; I said goodbye to many family members including Grandma Isherwood, great Aunt Grace & many more; I've seen my father and little sister marry there; not to mention all the memories attending church, activities surrounding the church and, of course, Sunday school. Still an amazing, simple yet beautiful church and hope for many more years spreading Gods good word.
I think that's the church my Brother Lewey Clayton and Pearl (Betty) Barden were married in. I was only 4 or 5 years old.
I was raised there. Played on those church steps. 9 children grew up there. We raised crops to sell. We had our own baseball team including some neighbor kids. We walked to Buddy's Hills to go sledding in the winter and to Standing Rocks Bear Lake on those hot summer days to go swimming. Good memories along with some sad. We were a family and made our own fun. Building forts and go carts, ice skating through the fields. Good memories. I loved that house.
We are still members of the Buena Vista United Methodist Church. Born and raised on the Precourt homestead and proud to be part of this church congregation.
Does anyone out there have any pictures of our old house next to the church in this photo? This is nice but I would like a closer shot of the house I grew up in.