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Urbie and Margaret Bell Homestead .... 62 East Ridge Road, Mars Hill. House is no longer there. There is a trailer house there now. The barn is the only thing left there. Kramer and Mindy Bell now reside here. Urbie would have been Kramers Great Great Grandfather.
I believe (could be wrong) the Big Barn was once Lawrence Bros Repair in the 70s-early 90s owned by Lester Lawrence.
Yes...this was Lawrence Bros Repair shop that was rented not owned, I believe, by Lester Lawrence and his brother (my dad) Glenwood Lawrence. How amazing to see this in the early years...beautiful house and farm!
Photo Changed a lot in the 1970's no house there or potato house / Lester and brother did have a welding repair shop there and sold digger lags and steel , nuts and bolts and built barrel truck bodies . Owned by Gary Bell . Other relative who worked there was a fireman at the AFB in limestone . Knew both Lester and Glenwood . worked there for a couple years off and on . Lester worked at WASA before starting his own business.
Lester Lawrence and his brother rented the big barn from Gary Bell and ran a repair shop there in the barn for many years. They did a great job in keeping the farmers equipment running. They did welding and lots of other repair work. Great men!!!